Self Service
What is new on Self Service?
- - We have a new Self Service with one log in for all customers!
- - The menu at the top has been extended to contain more shortcuts for easier administration.
- Under "Invoice" you can see your paid and unpaid invoices, save a copy in pdf, or view passages linked to a specific invoice.
- - Under "Agreements overview" you can find your tags and vehicles. Here you can easily order a new tag, move a tag to a new vehicle or cancel your agreement. You can also change the reference on your invoice.
- - On "Passings" you can extract your passages in excel and pdf. You can also choose if you want to extract per agreement, vehicle and the dates of your choosing.
- - Under "Access management" you can give access to family members, employees or others that will help you administrate your agreement.

Are you new to Self Service?
- - By clicking "Create customer" you can order a tag and create an agreement.
- - If your already a customer, use "Find agreement" and search for the email address registered in your agreement. If the email address you have entered corresponds with the email address registered on your agreement, you will receive an email with an activation link. By entering this link you will have access to your agreement on Self Service..
- - If your not receiving the email or the link, please check your spam folder, or contact us so that we can update the email address on your agreement.
- If you have access to more than one customer profile, you can view these under "Choose customer". You can always return the the overview by using the meny in the top right corner, and clicking "Customers.