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Log on Self Service
AutoPASS agreement
Company API solution
Prices and discounts
About Flyt
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How do i pay my invoice?
The invoice can be paid by banktransfer using the IBAN and BIC/SWIFT in the top right corner of the invoice. For transfers in other currencies than NOK, you can use Google's Currency converter online.
Can i pay in advance?
We only have postpay agreements, where you pay for passages already registered.
Why is my ferry passages invoiced here when i have a ferry agreement?
Please contact us or to check if your ferry agreement is registered correctly.
Why is one ferry passage invoiced twice?
1. The ferry passage without toll passage and included VTA/MVA.
2. The tollpart of the passage without VAT/MVA.
The total price is both lines combined.
Why have i been invoiced for more passages than my monthly rule?
The monthly rule is per calendar month between 1st and 31st each month. We invoice per balance and you may therefore receive an invoice for a longer period, or inbetween two periods of your monthly rule. You can view your passages on Self Service.
Do you send invoice per email?
Yes, but if there already is an electronic agreement for payment like Avtalegiro, E-faktura, EHF or DigiPost, the invoice will be sent through these channels. For foreign customers we send invoices as email or by post. The reminder will always be sent by post.
Late payment interest:
In the case of payment after the due date, late payment interest is calculated in accordance with the applicable law.
What is "Brikkeabonnement"?
We will no longer invoice deposit for the tag but invoice a monthly fee of 5 Nok per month starting April. If you don't have any passages the fee will be invoiced every 5 months.
For existing customers with paid deposit, we will deduct 5 Nok from the paid deposit until it's used up, unless a termination of agreement is received.
If the tag is returned, the remaining deposit will be added to the agreements balance. If you don't wish to send the tag in return, please inform customer service so that we can terminate your agreement.
Click here to se how this is mentioned on your invoice
When will i receive my invoice?
Balance over -10.000,- Invoiced approx. every 14th day.
Balance over -200,- Invoiced approx. every 30th day.
Balance over -8,- Invoiced approx. every 65th day.
Self Service
How do I log on to Self Service:
To be able to log in, your e-mail address must be registered on your agreement. If you want to update you e-mail address you can contact us here
To use the Self Service portal without BankID, you have to click "sign-up" first, even if you already have an agreement with us.
See step by step here
Why is my agreement "frozen"?
An invoice has been sent to debtcollection, and agreement will remain frozen untill payment is received.
Contact our costumer center or
Flyt tag in foreign countries
Flyt tag is EETS approved and can be used on several ferries and bridges in Sweden, Denmark and Germany:
Bøjden – Fynshav
Spodsbjerg – Tårs
Odden – Århus (Light vehicle)
Odden – Ebeltoft (Light vehicle)
Helsingør - Helsingborg (Light vehicle)
Storebaelt - Denmark
Sweden; To receive discount on you passages contact
. If you have preordered a ticket for Oresund, you need to wrap the tag in aluminium foil to avoid an extra charge on your account.
Bought or sold vehicle?
If you need a new Velcro for your tag sent by mail, you can use our contact form. The velcro is only sent to addresses within Norway.
What is my checklist when selling my car?
When you sell your car, you have to cancel your agreement immediately on Self Service.
If you don’t have access to self-service, notify us through our contact form.
Remove the tag from the car.
Remember that you can reuse the tag on a new vehicle.
If you wish to cancel your agreement you have to return the tag to us, or let us now otherwise through our contact form. The postage is not covered by Flyt.
If you have previously paid a deposit for the tag, the remaining deposit will be refunded upon return of the tag.
How do I create an agreement, and what do I need to remember?
How do I create an agreement?
Log on to Self Service and use “sign up”. Then fill in information and order a tag. If you need help registering the specifics of the vehicle, please click here for our guidelines.
What are the general terms and conditions?
You can find the terms and conditions
What do I need to know when i have created an agreement?
You are responsible for changes on your agreement. Remember to update address, change vehicles, or cancel contracts when you move, sell or buy a new vehicle.
The tags are registered Monday to Friday between 9-15,And the agreement will be active within 24 hours.
Normal delivery by post is 10-14 days, and 21 days in foreign countries.
The "Brikkeabonnement" of 5 NOK per month will be added to your invoice.
Invoices are sent as Avtalegiro, E-faktura, EHF(Bedrift), DigiPost og Post.
For foreign countries invoices are sent by post and viewable on Self Service.
Invoices is paid with Banktransfer and you can use a currency calculator to pay in other currencies.
We recommend all our Norwegian customers too accept "Yes to all" in your online bank. You will then receive our invoices as E-faktura.
If you want Avtalegiro, you can create this in your Norwegian bank when you register your first payment.
Registrations and invoices with Epass24 are only for passages without agreements.