The tag issuer division of the toll charger Ferde gets a new name. All customers who have an AutoPASS agreement with Ferde will now relate to Flyt.
This is done as part of the implementation of the toll reform that has been adopted by the Norwegian Stortinget.
The toll reform that was decided by the Storting in 2015 means that the five Norwegian toll companies can no longer operate both as operator and issuer. The issuer division Flyt will handle customers who have an AutoPASS agreement. Customers who currently have an agreement with Ferde, mainly all motorists in Agder, Rogaland and Vestland, will from 15 February relate to Flyt as a customer handeling center with inquiries about the AutoPASS agreement.
Flyt will handle all contract customers. This means that everyone who has an AutoPASS agreement with Ferde will contact Flyt's customer center for help. You can still find an overview of your passages on My Page.